A Poem for You

A Poem You By: Christine Joy C. Espartero I can still clearly remember how we said our first hello. Never expected that there is love waiting to grow. When I first accepted your invite for a date, I knew that my heart was at stake. I tried putting a barrier to forfend myself to loving you. But one, two, and three meetings, I crashed it down for you. And let myself fall in love with you, Shared the memories and feelings all new. I thank you! Thank you for adding happiness in me. With your fake laughs at my silly jokes. Those sweet messages that have made my days. And your constant reminder that I am loved the way I deserve. I love and appreciate all of those. I long to have you again beside me. To share a sip from my cup of coffee. To walk with you under the pretty sunset hues. And tell you stories without dues. You are my sunshine during my darkest nights. You are my rest in the stressful life. You are my cure in e...