The Undying Love of an Abandoned Man

When the horizon comes in low vision
And a sadden thought comes alone
That seems to be a constant reminder
Of the truth and that love I can’t own.

Oh, how I wish I could turn back time
When your love is pure as honey and lime
When I could smell your sweet perfume
When I could touch you and feel I’m home.

Now that He stole you away from me
I buried my heart no one can see.
I poured all my affections in the box of memory
And resided it into the deepest sea.

I am not without you, my love and sweet
As I now see the world in pure black and gray
I long for you and in a poignant way
That my hope and dreams slowly die every day.

I know everything happens for a reason
But why is it that the pure love has to be played?
Fate it is that never fails to manipulate
And now it is fate that I always hate.

I want you back, I want you here in my arms
For I miss your warmth and our happy times
If God will allow a fleeting turn
I want you and take my heart upon your return.

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